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Venous IVUS
VARICOSE VEINS are extremely common and a major cause of patient discomfort. If left untreated, varicose veins can worsen over time and lead to severe symptoms including leg pain, swelling, itching, discoloration, and ulcerations. At MVC we are committed to excellence in varicose veins diagnosis and minimally invasive treatment with catheter-based endovascular venous ablation, phlebectomy and sclerotherapy. Patients have high satisfaction and can return immediately to their regular activities after these procedures.
Healthy leg veins contain valves that open and close to assist returning blood back to the heart. Venous reflux disease and varicose veins develop when these valves become dysfunctional and allow retrograde blood flow by incomplete valve closure.
Which Are The Risk Factors For Venous Insufficiency?
- Age
- Gender
- Obesity
- Family History
- Prolonged standing
- Multiple pregnancies
- Heavy lifting
What Are The Symptoms?
- Varicose veins
- Heaviness and fatigue
- Restless legs
- Leg or ankle swelling
- Pain, aching, or cramping
- Burning or itching of the skin
- Skin changes
- Leg Ulcers
What Are The Treatment Options For Varicose Veins?
Vein Ablation (Catheter-based)
Laser vein ablation is an affective and non-invasive treatment for varicose veins of small and medium size (spider veins)
- Phlebectomy
- Sclerotherapy
- Surgery
- Medical Management
- Ambulatory
- Usually non-or minimally painful
- Fast…Takes about 20-30 Minutes
- Patient can return to normal activities immediately
1.Vein Ablation:
The VENEFIT procedure is a minimally invasive treatment for varicose veins and their underlying cause, venous reflux, with little or no pain and can be performed at MVC using local anesthetic. Guided by vascular ultrasound, a small catheter is positioned into the diseased vein through a small puncture in the skin. The tiny catheter powered by the radiofrequency (RF) energy delivers controlled heat into the vein wall causing it to shrink and the vein to close. Once the diseased vein is closed, blood is re-routed to healthy veins, improving circulation and symptoms including ulceration healing.
BENEFITS of the VENEFIT Procedure:
- Ambulatory. No need for hospitalization.
- Fast. Takes about 15-20 minutes.
- Patients return to normal activities within 1-2 days.
- Significant improvement of symptoms.
- Healing of venous ulcerations.
2. Phlebectomy:
With this treatment, abnormal varicose veins are removed with minimal skin incisions under local anesthesia. Blood now will flow through healthy veins leading to significant symptoms improvement.
Benefits of Phlebectomy:
- Ambulatory.
- Usually non-or minimally painful.
- Fast. Takes only 20-30 minutes.
- Patient can return to normal activities in 1-2 days
3. Sclerotherapy:
With this method, a medication (sclerosant agent) is injected in several small to medium varicose veins leading to abnormal veins occlusion. This improved symptoms and helps avoiding progression of venous disease.
Benefits of Sclerotherapy:
- Ambulatory.
- Usually non-or minimally painful.
- Fast. Takes only 10-15 minutes.
- Patient can return immediately to normal activities.
- Sun exposure must be avoided in the next 7-10 days to avoid staining.
4. Surgery:
Conventional surgery is an effective method for varicose veins treatment, but the development of new minimally-invasive techniques like radiofrequency ablation are taking over surgery, which usually requires hospitalization, may need general anesthesia, and has a longer recovery period.
5. Medical Treatment:
All measures that helps improving symptoms. They are not curative although they are of a key importance in all patients with varicose veins disease
- Leg elevation when sitting or resting.
- Exercise as possible.
- Compressive stockings in the lower extremities.